Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here. Dr. Laura has written books like “The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands ” and “The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage” (both books I love and HIGHLY recommended)! 10 Stupid Things was written over 10 years ago and I think its safe to say that the principles apply just as much today and just as much as they will in the future.  Dr. Laura hits it hard when she lists the top 10 things couples to mess up their relationships. A few of the things on her list that I found interesting and important were:

Stupid Secrets – Withholding information from your spouse for fear of rejection Stupid Egotism – Saying “my freedom/rights to do what I want are more important than your feelings/needs” Stupid Excuses- fighting back with excuses that cause damage rather than acknowledging misdeeds and being accountable Stupid Liaisons- Staying attached to relatives/friends who are bad influences and destructive to your self and your relationship, and allowing them to hurt your partner!

If you are reading 4 of the “10 Stupid Things” and you are realizing that this may be things in your relationship that you need help with, then this book is for you!!!  Although it’s sometimes a slap in the face to read, applying some of Dr. Laura’s advice to my own relationship has strengthened our marriage extremely! When reading this book I always found myself saying, “I totally do that, and wish I would have known that before I was married!!”  Some of her advice when discussing “Stupid Priorities” goes like this: “It is important to watch that ego! The ego-trap is an easy one for people to fall into. Being good at something makes one feel important and that too often leads to a sense of entitlement, that moves right into a sense of superiority, and that collapses relationships.” I will say that “selfishness” and keeping our priorities in check, has always been a trial in my marriage that both my husband and I are always trying to work on.  I love how Dr. Laura  is able to share many of her readers/listeners stories, this has comforted me, knowing that we are not the only ones with flaws like this that can hurt our relationship. Although knowing the “10 Stupid Things” may be helpful now that you are married, think about all the heartache you may have saved if you had read and applied this advice from the very beginning of your marriage! Just because we LOVE our readers so much and want your marriage to be as awesome as possible. We are giving away one autographed copy of Dr. Laura’s book, 10 Stupid Things Couples Do To Mess Up Their Relationships.

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